Friday, April 17, 2009

I do a lot of thinking in the bathroom

I really do.. and the really wierd thing about that is sometimes its funny and sometimes I get some great ideas. I usually only get my great ideas in the shower, my funny moments are when I'm cleaning the bathroom. So tonight I decided to get a jump start on my cleaning. Ryan was over at Adam and Kristina's house and the boys were in bed. I knew I had a lot ahead of me (cleaning the bathroom) because Owen is in this stage where he needs to pay more attention to what is really going on. Now I grew up with three brothers.. This is not new territory for me. However, I do not know how to talk to Owen about "getting a grip" on things.. If ya know what I mean.. :) Anyways, here I am scrubing the floor behind the toilet!! First thinking about my mom having to do this many times and then remembering that we had carpet (GROSS!). Then for some reason I start thinking about Facebook and how I became a fan of God and Jesus (two people (Linda will get that one)) and I thought "Did Mary have to put up with this kind of stuff"?? Was Mary scrubbing behind the toilet. Oh I fully believe she was.. But then that got me thinking about Mary putting out a book on raising Jesus. I just started laughing at myself. I'm scrubbing pee off my bathroom floor and thinking about Mary writing a book about Jesus growing up. Did she come across some of the same things EVERY mother talks about. Oh I believe she did.. But wouldn't that be a great book to read!! Anyways.. just a random thought I wanted to post, because I thought it was so funny.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Perhaps, this would be a good Bible study topic! Too funny!