Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doing something different

It looks as though trying new foods with Owen, really isn't going to work. I mean I can keep trying and he can just keep throwing up. This week I have emailed Owen's teacher and his special ed teacher to find out what is going on with school. I asked Owen the other day if he was taking breaks any more and he said he wasn't.. So what does that mean. I emailed the teachers and it sounds as though they now have a trampoline outside of his classroom, so when Owen is a little loopy, he can go right outside and jump around and then come right back. Well once again I asked questions like "Why? Does this mean you are weaning him away?? What changed?? " Well after some talk I don't think I got all my answers, but we are all meeting in May so I will ask them then. Through these emails we got talking about Owens eating habits. The OT recommended us to a clinic to help work with Owen on trying new foods. That was great, and I found out my insurance covers it, but what pissed me off (and it is just me) is that she kept referring to me "MAKING" him try new foods. She said by doing that things could really back fire. So I gave up. I called this place that isn't too far from us and found out that they can help us and that our insurance does cover it. She is sending me some info on the whole thing. I guess we have a 7 day diet that we have to go through. This should really be interesting.. But all I can hope for is that Owen will start eating different foods. I have to admit, it was pretty funny talking to her because everything I said to her made sense.. Who knows.. by the end of the year, Owen may have more foods that he really likes??

1 comment:

Patti said...

I looked on their website-that is my absolute dream job! I would love working there! I will be so interested to see what you think of it-I'd love to go with to see the place someday!