Monday, February 23, 2009

It's kind of wierd, but I got a vanity!!

For me, this is weird. I am not that girly girl. I sometimes would like to be, but I am your typical tomboy.. and fine with it! But Ryan felt that I needed a vanity. The reason behind this is so all my crap can come out of the bathroom closet and open up some more space. I understand where he is going with this. So I have been looking for awhile. A vanity is not cheap. Well one day my mom and I went to my neighbors antique shop and I saw this little white desk. I thought it would make a nice vanity. So since she is only open one weekend a month, I took Ryan there a couple of weekends ago and had him look at it. The best part was it was only 50 dollars. So it was a steal. It is very nice to have, however I haven't offically sat at it to do makeup yet. But I finished getting a light and putting the mirror together. I wanted a certain type of mirror and I found mirrors were very expensive. So I bought mirror tiles (ten bucks at Walmart) and put my mirror together. What I really love, is my Victoria Secret bottles all stnd up in the drawers!! Hell, I can use this table to scrapbook, if I really wanted too.. :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trying something new!

When it comes to Owen and Food, trying something new does not exist. But sometimes for a split second he will try something and even like it. This is very rare! Almost too rare! Well today he really didn't have a choice. Now I would not consider this trying anything new, but for Owen it is. Lunch time is ALWAYS peanut butter and jelly sandwich with applesauce. Well For some odd reason I don't have any bread.. And I am in no mood to go to the grocery store right now. So I had to get creative. We made peanut and butter tortias. I got the crying and the stomping from Owen, but he really didn't have a choice. So I made it. Logan and I ate them. Owen was just crying. he told me that he licked the outside of the shell and he didnt' like it. I told him that if he took a bite of the whole thing it would be better. So he did. He then cleaned his plate. I was in shock. He told me that it was different then bread. I told him that he was right and that when I tell him things taste good he should trust me a little more and at least try them. I highly doubt that went anywhere but Yeah for Owen for trying something new!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I love saying thst sometimes because it reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode. Where she had to drink that Vit medicine. I won't be able to spell that word out, but you should know what I am talking about. She gets her words mixed up and says "Do you every Pop out at parties? Are you unpooplar?" Love it!

Well this was Ryan's weekend to go fishing with my brothers and Dad and Uncles. This is either the second or third time they have done this. I'm so glad Ryan goes, because it really means a lot to me. I know that if BJ (my middle brother) didn't go, Ryan may not go, but anyways. I feel like the boys have been attached to me for many weeks now. By attached I mean at the hip. It seems like if they get going on something I will sneak out of the room to just go lay down on the bed, or watch TV in a different room, those boys will call me on it right away. So I think I am in need of a mommy break.. Just need to find it. Ryan got me a gift certificate for a massage, on valentines day, so I think I may use that next weekend. But I don't know what I want. I would love a facial. But a massage sounds so good right now.. We will see what happens..

I'm counting down the hours when Ryan will be back. I have to say when Ryan is gone for a weekend, it doesn't matter if the boys are here or not, I still miss Ryan a lot.. Thank Goodness for texting!! :)

From the mouth of Logan.. Again

Oh this boy give me a run for my money.. Let me set the scene.. The boys are in the kitchen coloring. Owen wanted a glue stick. I am cleaning the bathroom. I hear Logan say "We can use the glue stick to hang our pictures on the wall". I start in with a big "no you don't". Then I asked the question.. "Is there glue on the walls already?" Owens face made me believe that there was. Owen and Ryan have the same face when they are trying to hide something from me, it is pretty funny. Anyways, Logan comes back boldly and says "No Mommy, there is no glue on the walls, yet!" What does that mean?? Will there be glue on the walls?? I had to turn my head and go back in the bathroom because I was going to start laughing..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

You know... This has to be one of the best Valentines Day I have ever had. I don't know why, maybe because we celebrated it all together. Owen had a playdate today so Logan had a date with Ryan and I. The date started off a little rough because Logan didn't want to eat his food, but he turned it around. He wanted to go to a few stores (Lowes, Best Buy, and Target), I have no reason why, he just really wanted to make sure we went to those stores. Then we got home and Owen got home and we had dinner (heart shaped pizza) and celebrated Valentines with the little dog cake (it was made out of two cupcakes). The boys played their Wii games while Ryan and I watched. The night ended with Ryan and I watching Fool's Gold. I hope everyone else had a nice day.

"I used to paint my toes when I was a girl"

I swear to you, I do not make this stuff up. That is what Logan said to me today as he watched me paint my toes. He said to me "I used to paint my toes when I was a girl, but now that I am a boy, I don't". Where does he come up with these things?? And how random is that??

Friday, February 13, 2009

Logan got shots!

Poor Logan had to go to his 3 year check up. I have been so behind with him and his check ups. Anyways, he did AWESOME. The doctor was so shocked with everything Logan did. He asked him some of the same questions they asked Owen when testing for school. Logan knew almost everything.. I was shocked. But then that time came. Logan had no idea. I told him that he needed to take his pants off and lay on the table. All of a sudden Owen shouts "I don't want to be in here when he gets his shots!!" NICE!! Way to go Owen. Logan starts freaking out, I told him that if he is good he can pick out a toy or a game afterwards. That made things so much better. So the nurse came in (this nurse KNOWS Logan, she has been with us since Logan was born). She was shocked how calm his was. He had me hold his hands and she held his legs. She felt so bad giving him the shots. And then they started. Oh we had to go through 4. Seriously, I was tearing up after the first one. I don't like shots, and I dont' like seeing my kids in pain. It just kills me. That poor boy cried all the way home, but still wanted to stop at Target for his toy. Poor kid. But he is doing pretty good now. I am hoping for an early night for both boys!!

My first date!

What a fun and ENTERTAINING day! My first date was with Owen. We had some errands to run and then he got to pick where he wanted to eat for lunch. We left the house around 9. The first thing we needed to do is find John S. house. He is another friend of Owens and Owen will be going to his house for a playdate, along with Owen's other friend Eli. I find this so funny, because last year Owen could only have one friend. He made that perfectly clear, but this year he can have two! So off we went to John's house. He only lives like three blocks from us. I had Owen show me where he gets dropped off for the bus (I have his address but forgot it at home). So Owen shows me and we drive around. He points out Isabell's house. Now if you don't know Isabell (I am probably spelling her name wrong) but she was Owen's girlfriend. Yep, girlfriend. However, when Owen told me he had a girlfriend, I asked him what her name was, and he didn't know. It must be serious!! So I am going to act out the conversation that Owen and I had about Isabell, when he pointed out her house.. This was so funny to me!!

owen: That's Isabell's house
me: OH! Is she still your girlfriend?
owen: No she is John S's girlfriend.
me: Really? Huh? Does John S like her?
owen: No, not really.
me: Oh so she is only his girlfriend because SHE likes him.
owen: Yep!

I about died. I kept a straight face the whole time. So after that we went to get Owen's haircut. He has been complaining about his "bangs". I love when boys get haircuts.. They just look so clean cut. At least he didn't ask for a haircut like his dad. (Logan did.. I just didn't know how to explain that??) Then off to Walmart. We needed to look at some things and of course we swung by the cricut stuff.. I think I am waiting until the scrapbooking weekend, to buy all my goodies!! After we got done there then we had to go home and drop everything off. During this time I told Owen that we had to pick Logan up early so he can go to the doctor to get his 3 year check up and finish off his shots. I told him to not say ANYTHING about shots to Logan. So we got home and he told me that he wanted to go to Turtles. Turtles is a family favorite here in Shakopee. We ad lunch and then we decided to stop at the bakery. I love to stop at any bakery if I have a time, I love that smell (What can I say, I'm a daughter of a baker??). So we picked up some heart shaped cookies for tomorrow and went home. We snuggled up on the couch and ALMOST took a nap, but we had to pick up Logan. So that was the end of our day. It was a great day of talking and hanging out together. Both of us had fun.

I do have a couple of pictures, but I will post them later!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I may go on TWO dates this weekend!!

That's right.. Two dates, and they don't even include my husband! What do you think about that?? Tomorrow is Friday and I am off of work and Owen doesn't have school!! So that sounds like some BONDING TIME!! I love it! My mom and I watched this movie a long time ago, and I can't remember the name of it. Anyways, in the movie the mom and daughter made a point to spend at least 15 minutes with eachother to bond. So ever since then my mom and I always joke about our 15 minutes of bonding. However, I would like to do more with Owen. We have all day, so who knows what we can do. Maybe run some errands together and then go have lunch. Then on Saturday Owen has a playdate with another friend from 10 to 4 (that's a long playdate!!) so I figured Logan and I can go on a date (I think we will invite Ryan along for that date). It was funny, the other day I said to Owen "when you go on your playdate, what am I going to do here?" Logan comes running up to me and says (in his little Logan voice) "You can play with me, Mommy". It was so funny!

Along with going on dates, the four of us are staying at Mystic on Sunday night. Using my coupon again (free night), we will be able to go swimming and go to their Playworks (HUGE area for the boys to play in) so it should be a fun night.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shaving at 6

So here's the deal.. If you stop by our house anytime in the near future, I want to give you a little heads up. You may see a plastic knife by our sink. This knife is there so Owen can shave. I accidently threw it in the kitchen sick to get cleaned (I did question why there was a plastic sink in the bathroom), then that night Owen was looking for his knife so he can shave.. OF COURSE!!! It all makes sense now!! Like I said before 6 going on 13.


Let's all welcome the new member of our family..
I LOVE this new fridge!! She is wonderful and as you can see she fits perfectly in our kitchen. She was delivered today and I felt I needed to go shopping to fill her up. I figure I will wait until Friday for that!! Anyways here she is, and I am happy the other one blew up!!
OH!! So of course when the guys took the other one away, I showed them the freezer. They were in complete shock what happened. They said they have never seen anything like this before! Of course!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Up in Black Smoke!

Oh my poor Fridge. Last night my poor freezer had enough.
Lets go back to Saturday. What a nice day. Ryan took the boys outside to play, while I cleaned. I started on one end of my kitchen and worked my way to the other. It was wonderful. Well once I got to the fridge, I noticed that the freezer smelt funny. To me it smelt like an electrical issue. But I noticed that Ryan had worms in the fridge, so I threw those away and cleaned everything up a bit. Sunday came, and I was still smelling that smell. Now Monday, I got home from work, made dinner, then went out for a little bit and picked up some sorbet. When I got home I opened up the freezer and put it in there. Freezer was still cold. About 20 minutes later Ryan was in the kitchen and asked what that smell was. I told him that it was the freezer. Wellwe opened up the freezer and black smoke started pouring out. It was crazy. We closed the freezer door and unplugged that thing as soon as possible. Ughh.. What a mess. Now we had to get all the food out of the freezer. Yuck. As of right now our food is buried in a snow bank somewhere behind our house. We went right away to buy a new fridge. We were in and out in record timing. I am excited to get our new fridge in the kitchen. I love it. But since we found out that we wouldn't get anything until Wednesday we ended up buying a little fridge to get us by. The boys love the little fridge. Logan's first comment was "Look, I can get the cereal and the bread off the top now!" He was so excited about being able to reach the top of the fridge. Too funny! Owen just laughed. He really broke into this belly laugh because he thought the little fridge was too funny!! The positive side to all of this.. We have now offically replaced all of our appliances in the kitchen!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I am positive that my boys have old souls

I swear these boys of mine are too funny. Their conversations they have are too much. We were in the car on our way to go shopping and the boys start talking about their favorite stores. Logan went first. He decided he likes going to Walmart and Michaels. I was so shocked to hear him say Michaels. But his reasoning behind it is because his name is Logan Michael. It is too funny. So then Owen goes next. He decides that his favorite store is Target (the red store). No reasoning behind that one. Then they start talking about death. Now death has been a big topic in our house for quite some time now. First reason being, Great Grandpa died, and two the little boy that got hit by the car and died in our town last year. Owen used to talk about it as people going to see Jesus (this is how we explained it), now he just says, they are dead. Anyways, Logan asked how Jesus died. I said He died on the cross. Owen then said, "Yep He did. I saw Him on the cross. I even saw His blood." (Owen is going to church school this year, and they take field trips to the schools chapel) Anyways then they get talking about when you die. I told them that you are pretty old when you die. They come back with "Well, Great Grandma, is old." I said "Yep, you are right, but Great Grandma wants to see you get really big. Great Grandpa wanted to see you get really big too, but he got really sick." That seemed like a good enough answer for them. Then they ask "Kids aren't old, why do they die??" I told them that kids die because they may get sick, or they get into an accident, like the littel boy on the bike. Then that was my time to talk about why I may yell at them sometimes because they are not paying attention and I want to keep them safe. Well that all made sense. Then they had to ask about my parents dog, "Why did Kadee die?". "Well, she was just old". That seemed to answer everything at that point, but boy sometimes I wonder what they are thinking about in their head. Owen talks a lot about Great Grandpa. I think he really misses him because he doesn't see him anymore. But I have to say I am very happy that he knows about him and will remember him.

These boys are just too much some days, but I LOVE listening to them talk to eachother and their little discussions. While we were at the store today, Logan starts giving words to Owen to spell. Logan has no idea how to spell these words, but still encourages Owen to spell them. He will give him a "Good Job" or a thumbs up when he gets them right (which is ever time, for Logan)

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Friday

Well thank goodness for Fridays, but I hate Fridays when I have nothing planned for the weekend.. Nothing! At the end of the year we go three months with something going on every weekend. But the beginning of the year we have nothing.. And yes I should enjoy that, but it is nice to have something going on. Maybe we will take the kids out again. We took them to the Mall of America last weekend. Oh they had so much fun. Poor Logan was so scared in Nick Universe because those roller coasters are just buzzing around over your head. Owen will ride anything. He just cracked me up. He is for sure Ryan's son. Ryan made a comment that day, that I didn't understand at first but then when I thought about it, he was right. Their unlimited wristbands there are almost as much as it is to go to ValleyFair. How crazy is that?? ValleyFair has so much more to offer then Nick Universe! Really??

Speaking of ValleyFair, we have decided to get smart about season tickets this year. I don't ride the rides. I doesn't pay for me to get a season pass when all I do is walk around there. Logan is the same way. He doesn't like going on all the rides. So we have decided that Ryan and Owen will get season passes. This can be their thing together. Owen is big enough to ride all the rides so it makes sense. Now Ryan has that ride partner he has been waiting for. As for Logan and I we can do almost anything. Logan likes to fish and Owen isn't in love with it as much as Logan so Ryan and Logan have fishing, Owen and Ryan have ValleyFair. As far as me and the boys, we like to shop! I will take the boys shopping any day. They are usually pretty good for me. I love it. I also know that I am coming into this phase where it is going to be "cooler" to hang out with dad. That makes me sad in a way, but so happy in other ways. Ryan was never the "baby" guy. So that is where I was always tied up. He was just waiting for the day they could throw a baseball, or wrestle with him. He now has it, so it is his time to shine. Even though, Logan laughs so hard when I will get into the wrestling mess!

See how easy it is for me to get off track.. Goodness! Anyways, let's get this Friday over with. I am thinking I will run to Walmart today and pick up some things for the Cricut!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Biggest Loser at work

I am in big need of a push. You know that push when you know you need to do something but someone needs to be right there behind you saying "Come on, Let's go" and takes NO EXCUSES. Well I haven't found it. I want to lose weight again.. Man, I want to so bad. However I don't have the push. I have tried many things just like everyone else, but I am hoping that this is my push. We are doing a Biggest Loser at work. Everyone enters with $20 and you must weigh in at the beginning and at the end (you can weigh in in the middle, but you don't have to). I am really hoping this will do the trick for me. I want it so bad, so we will see. No more excuses, and I will just have to find the time to work out.

First Post.. Oh what to say

Well if you know me, I could talk on this thing all day long, without any responses. I have dedicated this my space. My space to say whatever (hopefully) and do whatever I need to do. So just a heads up I may be venting on this page!

My life right now is pretty good. I mean with the economy in the shitter, we are hanging in there. I have been keeping myself busy at work by doing those jobs that you didn't want to do when you were super busy. Life at home can be crazy, but I love it. I swear Owen (who will be 7 in March) sounds like he will be turning 13. The way he talks and acts cracks me up. However on the flip side to that, sometimes his talking is going to get him into trouble when it turns into an attitude. So I try to keep that under control as much as you can. Ryan, my husband, is the "nice guy" in the house. The boys know who to go to when they want something, but I am still that person that they will cuddle up with at night. So that makes me feel better.

Well so much for the first posting.. I don't have a whole lot more to say just yet.. I think I will start another topic.