Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OH what a GREAT day!

I am so happy today. I got the mail just a few minutes ago and had the typical bill, bill, junk mail combo. But the thing that was great about one of those bills was that it was my student loan. As it stands right now, I have 2 student loans left. I decided to look at how much I have left. Do you know what it said?? I have $680 left! UNREAL. I have been paying a little extra every month, but not much. I took what was left and divided it by how much I pay every month and I would have 10 more payments left. I may have to pay just a little bit more every month now, just so I can see it leave us quicker. Now my other student loan is really close too.. I want to say it is right around 1000 dollars.. may be less.. I mean if I really wanted to I could just write a check and pay it off, but I want to keep making the payments. One more year to write off the interest, right?? Well I just had to post this because I am super excited about it!!

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