Friday, April 3, 2009

Can you see me in Singapore?

The oppurtunity is awesome, but really, me in Singapore?? Oh boy.. So I had a great talk with two different co-workers at two different times. Last night I guess there was a meeting and my name got brought up. These two managers were basically fight over me (and they are not even my boss). My name was brought up in this context "Jessica is the only one that knows how to build these computers and she can save the company money if we send her out to rebuild them." How frickin crazy is that!!?? So here is my issue. Do I take it?? I want to, but I am SOOOO nervous working in front of the customer and working in a bunny suit. The other thing is the plane ride! OH MY GOODNESS!! They are saying I will be in the air longer then I will actaully be in Singapore. I would have to be drugged!! And going by myself! AHHHHH.. But I can't pass this up.. I may never be somewhere like that ever again.. I am not worried about the boys because I know Ryan would tell me to go. It makes me feel good that other departments are seeing me and what I do and appreciate it.


Brenda said...

Jessica, GO!!! You know what? I thought I would ahve to be drugged to fly to Spain. (It was a 9-hour flight from New Jersey.) They have TV, video games, and lots of food on international flights. Just drink loads of water and you will do fine!!!

What an HONOR!!!

Laughsalot said...

I know I really think it is an honor.. I did talk to another manager that was in that meeting and she told me that I need to get my passport. I did find out it is a 30 hour flight! 30 HOURS!! So we will see.. I am assuming that they will be talking to me on Monday. I also found out it will be 90 degrees there are humid.. Great!! Well at least I know I will come back lighter by not eating and sweating like crazy!! :)

Patti said...

Oh my dear girl--GO! This is such an honor-we were just talking about your job last weekend-I'm so proud and happy for you! Congratulations!

Linda said...

What an interesting opportunity - can't wait to hear more!

Laughsalot said...

Ok.. So I finally heard everything from the horses mouth! They don't know if they are going to send me out of not. Time frame is middle of May (maybe earlier) So we will see.. The sucky part about all this is the two project managers that I work with are fighting with eachother and I don't want to pick sides.. So I am trying to stay neutral..