Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I have an issue

My issue is small but I feel bad putting another post up. But I have to do it.. This will be a venting post.. Don't have a lot of funny things from the boys.. However they were super excited about yesterday. I guess the lepercahun came to Owen's class room and made a huge mess, but he did leave candy for all the kids, and then escaped out the window. Boy he was excited about telling me that story. Logan also had a visit from the Lepercahun. He came through daycare's basement window and left candy and a piece of gold for all the kids.. I don't think he made a mess there.. But what was really funny was watching Owen and Logan both trying to tell their stories to each other. Owen is asking Logan what time the Lepercahun showed up, and Logan is just trying to tell Owen that he got a piece of gold. THEN when Ryan came home it was two stories being told at once. It was crazy.. That Lepercahun got them all worked up!!

Anyways.. Back to venting.. I love my job and I have for a long time. The one part I hate about my job is when I have no one to go to for help. I do like to figure things out for myself, but I am supposed to learn that I can ask for help. But what happens when I don't get the help?? Then what? Or people say they are going to help and then don't? Or if they don't communicate anything back to me?? So that is my struggle.. I can honestly say, that I do try to do too much.. It is my nature to help everyone. I almost work better when chaos is involved, but I hate hitting a wall.. So that is that.. I have vented, now I can move on..

Scrapbooking.. I am so excited for this weekend.. Honestly, I just can't wait to get in my car and start driving. Seriously I think I am bringing three bags (my whole blue luggage set duffle bag, little suitcase, and big suitcase). Is that too much?? I have my cricut stuff in the duffle bag, and then I figured I would fill the little suitcase with all my other stuff, instead of brining my scrapbooking bag. Who knows.. I just know I should have enough. I am going to be doing a mix of pictures. I have gone back in time and got all the boys 8x10 pictures from pervious years and I will do pages for all of those (6 months-last year), that part I am really excited about. I also found last years Easter pictures, so I will be using the Easter Egg stamp set. I may also try using it for other things (cards). I also still have vacation pictures.. So I see a lot of that coming into play. Anyways.. I am ready to go and I just can't wait!!!

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