For me, this is weird. I am not that girly girl. I sometimes would like to be, but I am your typical tomboy.. and fine with it! But Ryan felt that I needed a vanity. The reason behind this is so all my crap can come out of the bathroom closet and open up some more space. I understand where he is going with this. So I have been looking for awhile. A vanity is not cheap. Well one day my mom and I went to my neighbors antique shop and I saw this little white desk. I thought it would make a nice vanity. So since she is only open one weekend a month, I took Ryan there a couple of weekends ago and had him look at it. The best part was it was only 50 dollars. So it was a steal. It is very nice to have, however I haven't offically sat at it to do makeup yet. But I finished getting a light and putting the mirror together. I wanted a certain type of mirror and I found mirrors were very expensive. So I bought mirror tiles (ten bucks at Walmart) and put my mirror together. What I really love, is my Victoria Secret bottles all stnd up in the drawers!! Hell, I can use this table to scrapbook, if I really wanted too.. :)
This is a GREAT idea! I have always wanted a vanity - and you are right, they are expensive. Now, you must sit down and do your make-up. Or scrapbook. Either way, it's your own thing!
How nice!
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