Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shaving at 6

So here's the deal.. If you stop by our house anytime in the near future, I want to give you a little heads up. You may see a plastic knife by our sink. This knife is there so Owen can shave. I accidently threw it in the kitchen sick to get cleaned (I did question why there was a plastic sink in the bathroom), then that night Owen was looking for his knife so he can shave.. OF COURSE!!! It all makes sense now!! Like I said before 6 going on 13.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are priceless! I laughed my head off!

Laughsalot said...

It was so fnny when I saw him. I didn't know he was doing this in the morning, but I guess Ryan knew. It is always something different with him.

Brenda said...

I do hope you are scrapbooking these! He's even got the facial gestures down!!