Saturday, February 21, 2009


I love saying thst sometimes because it reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode. Where she had to drink that Vit medicine. I won't be able to spell that word out, but you should know what I am talking about. She gets her words mixed up and says "Do you every Pop out at parties? Are you unpooplar?" Love it!

Well this was Ryan's weekend to go fishing with my brothers and Dad and Uncles. This is either the second or third time they have done this. I'm so glad Ryan goes, because it really means a lot to me. I know that if BJ (my middle brother) didn't go, Ryan may not go, but anyways. I feel like the boys have been attached to me for many weeks now. By attached I mean at the hip. It seems like if they get going on something I will sneak out of the room to just go lay down on the bed, or watch TV in a different room, those boys will call me on it right away. So I think I am in need of a mommy break.. Just need to find it. Ryan got me a gift certificate for a massage, on valentines day, so I think I may use that next weekend. But I don't know what I want. I would love a facial. But a massage sounds so good right now.. We will see what happens..

I'm counting down the hours when Ryan will be back. I have to say when Ryan is gone for a weekend, it doesn't matter if the boys are here or not, I still miss Ryan a lot.. Thank Goodness for texting!! :)

1 comment:

Brenda said...

And if you remember, Lucy ended up drunk and hauled out on a stretcher!