Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Post.. Oh what to say

Well if you know me, I could talk on this thing all day long, without any responses. I have dedicated this my space. My space to say whatever (hopefully) and do whatever I need to do. So just a heads up I may be venting on this page!

My life right now is pretty good. I mean with the economy in the shitter, we are hanging in there. I have been keeping myself busy at work by doing those jobs that you didn't want to do when you were super busy. Life at home can be crazy, but I love it. I swear Owen (who will be 7 in March) sounds like he will be turning 13. The way he talks and acts cracks me up. However on the flip side to that, sometimes his talking is going to get him into trouble when it turns into an attitude. So I try to keep that under control as much as you can. Ryan, my husband, is the "nice guy" in the house. The boys know who to go to when they want something, but I am still that person that they will cuddle up with at night. So that makes me feel better.

Well so much for the first posting.. I don't have a whole lot more to say just yet.. I think I will start another topic.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Sounds like you have a level head about it all. And you guys remind me of me and Jerry when Shane was little. Well, Jerry is still the good guy - LOL!