What a fun and ENTERTAINING day! My first date was with Owen. We had some errands to run and then he got to pick where he wanted to eat for lunch. We left the house around 9. The first thing we needed to do is find John S. house. He is another friend of Owens and Owen will be going to his house for a playdate, along with Owen's other friend Eli. I find this so funny, because last year Owen could only have one friend. He made that perfectly clear, but this year he can have two! So off we went to John's house. He only lives like three blocks from us. I had Owen show me where he gets dropped off for the bus (I have his address but forgot it at home). So Owen shows me and we drive around. He points out Isabell's house. Now if you don't know Isabell (I am probably spelling her name wrong) but she was Owen's girlfriend. Yep, girlfriend. However, when Owen told me he had a girlfriend, I asked him what her name was, and he didn't know. It must be serious!! So I am going to act out the conversation that Owen and I had about Isabell, when he pointed out her house.. This was so funny to me!!
owen: That's Isabell's house
me: OH! Is she still your girlfriend?
owen: No she is John S's girlfriend.
me: Really? Huh? Does John S like her?
owen: No, not really.
me: Oh so she is only his girlfriend because SHE likes him.
owen: Yep!
I about died. I kept a straight face the whole time. So after that we went to get Owen's haircut. He has been complaining about his "bangs". I love when boys get haircuts.. They just look so clean cut. At least he didn't ask for a haircut like his dad. (Logan did.. I just didn't know how to explain that??) Then off to Walmart. We needed to look at some things and of course we swung by the cricut stuff.. I think I am waiting until the scrapbooking weekend, to buy all my goodies!! After we got done there then we had to go home and drop everything off. During this time I told Owen that we had to pick Logan up early so he can go to the doctor to get his 3 year check up and finish off his shots. I told him to not say ANYTHING about shots to Logan. So we got home and he told me that he wanted to go to Turtles. Turtles is a family favorite here in Shakopee. We ad lunch and then we decided to stop at the bakery. I love to stop at any bakery if I have a time, I love that smell (What can I say, I'm a daughter of a baker??). So we picked up some heart shaped cookies for tomorrow and went home. We snuggled up on the couch and ALMOST took a nap, but we had to pick up Logan. So that was the end of our day. It was a great day of talking and hanging out together. Both of us had fun.
I do have a couple of pictures, but I will post them later!