So today was a good day.
We had Owen's IEP meeting at school today and I have to say I am shocked I didn't cry! First Time!! Owen gets the biggest high five ever because he is doing so good in school. First all of his teachers at the IEP call Owen a success story. Everything they have done has worked so well with Owen. He has become more independant on figuring out if he needs a break or not and expressing his feelings to his teachers. He is at the point where they feel he doesn't need a teacher's helper in the room for him. However this may get looked at again once the school year starts up again.. if they feel he needs one they will bring one in, but from what they can see he does not need that extra help. He will continue taking his breaks, but his breaks are to the point where he walks out of his classroom and jumps 10 jumps on the trampoline and he goes back in. Owen still has headphones in his desk. These are taken for assemblies in the gym or Owen will put them on himself when he is at his desk working and there is too much noise. Owen's teacher said that she thinks he can be placed anywhere in the classroom, as far as desk location, and he does very well. He knows that when he is at his desk you need to work. The best news I got out of this meeting is his teacher just did his reading assesment on him and he is at grade level. I don't know exactly what level that is, but I think I wanted to cry at that point. He always could get there but he needed the extra help, now he can do it all on his own. His math is awesome. His teacher even said that he could move up to the next level (he is at the lower level) but the reason he is there is because it is more hands on. So it makes sense. So like I said what an awesome feeling.. I am so proud of him. Now Logan and I are waiting for him to get home to find out how he did on his spelling test.. I told Owen that if he got all his words right and two bonus words right we will go to Night at the Museum 2. He has to be excited. I think no matter what we will go, because I am so proud of him and all his accomplishments. Logan gets to go too because he did not have an attitude with daycare today. Yes this boy has developed an attitude. He told me a situation that happened today at daycare and said "is that attitude??" I told him no and then had to explain what an attitude is. I think he was a little worried because he had an hour to wait until Owen got home, he didn't want to ruin his chances of going.. So like I said.. What an awesome day!! Now a three day weekend!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Here is comes
Everyone thinks I am nuts for loving the fact that I am turning 30. The past couple of days I have been thinking about it and wondering why. Why do I love turning 30?? I think in my head adults were always in there 30s and older. So maybe I feel like I am moving into that adult role. I'm not a kid anymore. I don't know if I have ever said this before, but growing up I always believed that I was on TV. My life was a sitcom. People would watch us and we would never get older. Things would never change. My Grandparents would always be around and I would always be there with my family. Obviously that didnt' happen. We grow up, we get older, we have our own families. I still find it crazy that I am married with two boys. So turning 30 means I have officially grown up and to me that isn't a bad thing at all. I have a family, a wonderful extended family and all that I ever wanted. So 30 is awesome. How can you complain?? There are certain birthdays I remember and I wanted to jot them down..
When I turned 7 I got my first bike. I was so excited. It was purple with rainbows. It had a banana seat and a basket in the front.
When I turned 9 or 10 I had my first birthday party. It was a roller skating party.
When I turned 16 I had a sweet sixteen party. Oh this year I did the "Open mouth, insert foot". My parents told me that my party was my present from them, but I didn't believe them. Well when it was time to open up gifts there was a present from my parents. I opened it up and it was a box of Forrest Gump chocolates. I was furious. All I wanted that year was a cd player. But whatever my friends were over so I didn't make a big deal about it. Once they all left, and went over to my parents and basically asked them where my present was. My dad gave me the whole song and dance about my party was the present. I was just beside myself. So I ran to my room crying screamed something at them and slammed my door. My life was over (oh how dramatic). Later there was a knock at my door. I just screamed to leave me alone. Anyways after some crying and getting over myself I opened up my door, there sat a brand new cd player. Like I said, open mouth, insert foot. I still have that cd player oddly enough.
When I turned 19 I was on my own. My mom sent me a care package. It had a little birthday cake in it with a candle that played Happy Birthday. I had the night planned that I was going to take the bus to the Mall of America and get my ears double pierced. So off I went. So excited. I got there and they needed to see my id. I had forgot it. There was no way to go back and get it, so I hopped on the bus and cried all the way home. I was so bummed and at that time felt so alone. But it turned around, because I went back the next day and got my ears not only double pierced but triple pierced.
When I turned 20 I got surprised at school. The guys in my class had bought me some gifts. Just something. So when I went home that day (on the bus) I have this bag I was carrying with a balloon on it. I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my bus and this guy asked me why I had this balloon. I told him it was my birthday and he reached in his pocket and grabbed all his change and threw it in my bag. It was so funny and random. He said Happy Birthday and that was that.
When I turned 21 Ryan and I waited at his apartment until midnight and we went and had a couple of drinks and since then I have celebrated all my birthday's with Ryan and the boys.
So once again.. how can I complain.. I am loving the fact that I am turning 30!!
When I turned 7 I got my first bike. I was so excited. It was purple with rainbows. It had a banana seat and a basket in the front.
When I turned 9 or 10 I had my first birthday party. It was a roller skating party.
When I turned 16 I had a sweet sixteen party. Oh this year I did the "Open mouth, insert foot". My parents told me that my party was my present from them, but I didn't believe them. Well when it was time to open up gifts there was a present from my parents. I opened it up and it was a box of Forrest Gump chocolates. I was furious. All I wanted that year was a cd player. But whatever my friends were over so I didn't make a big deal about it. Once they all left, and went over to my parents and basically asked them where my present was. My dad gave me the whole song and dance about my party was the present. I was just beside myself. So I ran to my room crying screamed something at them and slammed my door. My life was over (oh how dramatic). Later there was a knock at my door. I just screamed to leave me alone. Anyways after some crying and getting over myself I opened up my door, there sat a brand new cd player. Like I said, open mouth, insert foot. I still have that cd player oddly enough.
When I turned 19 I was on my own. My mom sent me a care package. It had a little birthday cake in it with a candle that played Happy Birthday. I had the night planned that I was going to take the bus to the Mall of America and get my ears double pierced. So off I went. So excited. I got there and they needed to see my id. I had forgot it. There was no way to go back and get it, so I hopped on the bus and cried all the way home. I was so bummed and at that time felt so alone. But it turned around, because I went back the next day and got my ears not only double pierced but triple pierced.
When I turned 20 I got surprised at school. The guys in my class had bought me some gifts. Just something. So when I went home that day (on the bus) I have this bag I was carrying with a balloon on it. I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my bus and this guy asked me why I had this balloon. I told him it was my birthday and he reached in his pocket and grabbed all his change and threw it in my bag. It was so funny and random. He said Happy Birthday and that was that.
When I turned 21 Ryan and I waited at his apartment until midnight and we went and had a couple of drinks and since then I have celebrated all my birthday's with Ryan and the boys.
So once again.. how can I complain.. I am loving the fact that I am turning 30!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Doing something different
It looks as though trying new foods with Owen, really isn't going to work. I mean I can keep trying and he can just keep throwing up. This week I have emailed Owen's teacher and his special ed teacher to find out what is going on with school. I asked Owen the other day if he was taking breaks any more and he said he wasn't.. So what does that mean. I emailed the teachers and it sounds as though they now have a trampoline outside of his classroom, so when Owen is a little loopy, he can go right outside and jump around and then come right back. Well once again I asked questions like "Why? Does this mean you are weaning him away?? What changed?? " Well after some talk I don't think I got all my answers, but we are all meeting in May so I will ask them then. Through these emails we got talking about Owens eating habits. The OT recommended us to a clinic to help work with Owen on trying new foods. That was great, and I found out my insurance covers it, but what pissed me off (and it is just me) is that she kept referring to me "MAKING" him try new foods. She said by doing that things could really back fire. So I gave up. I called this place that isn't too far from us and found out that they can help us and that our insurance does cover it. She is sending me some info on the whole thing. I guess we have a 7 day diet that we have to go through. This should really be interesting.. But all I can hope for is that Owen will start eating different foods. I have to admit, it was pretty funny talking to her because everything I said to her made sense.. Who knows.. by the end of the year, Owen may have more foods that he really likes??
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Final Project

This cake class was so much fun.. I just can't wait until course two starts (May 5th). I am trying to come up with a design for my birthday cake. I made some of the swilr flowers last night and had so much fun with the colors. But Ryan said that he likes the roses better.. So I think I am going to do both. I think I am going to make a Red Velvet cake (because I have the mix already) with the cream chees frosting (I am just going to buy that) and then decorate the rest with a few roses, swirl flowers and possibly some dots. I saw this design in my book and thought I could do something very similar.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
7 Years
Well today is Ryan and I 7th Anniversary. This time seven years ago we were downtown Minneapolis having some drinks with friends, while Keith and Linda stayed at our apartment watching Owen. You know every year I think about how everything went down. Getting married wasn't easy for us and staying married hasn't come easy to us.. But somehow we have defeated it. We made everything work. What an awesome feeling.
This weekend my parents took the boys for the weekend. Friday night we went downtown Shakopee and had a couple of drinks. On Saturday it was Ryan's day. He was supposed to decide what we were going to do. I had no idea what we were going to do. We spent the day in uptown and downtown Minneapolis. I don't think Ryan planned it this way, but for me it was kinda going back in time, like where we met type thing. We saw a movie and went out for lunch. After that we went home and Ryan had a fire. It was an awesome day.
This weekend my parents took the boys for the weekend. Friday night we went downtown Shakopee and had a couple of drinks. On Saturday it was Ryan's day. He was supposed to decide what we were going to do. I had no idea what we were going to do. We spent the day in uptown and downtown Minneapolis. I don't think Ryan planned it this way, but for me it was kinda going back in time, like where we met type thing. We saw a movie and went out for lunch. After that we went home and Ryan had a fire. It was an awesome day.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
He is getting bigger
Well today was a big day for me. We offically had to move to the young men 8-20 sizes at Kohls. Owen has hit another growth spurt I think. I just bought him ome new jeans, not to long ago, and I am noticing that they are starting to look too short for him. But he is offically a size 8 in pants. They are a little big, but 7s are not really fitting in the waist anymore. Owen is now all for trying on his clothes in the fitting room. It just makes him feel so cool. He really takes forever in there.. I think he is checking himself out in the mirror the whole time.. NOT JOKING. When he rides in the car with me and sits in front, all he wants to do is look at himself in the mirror.. What sucks about shopping in the young mens section.. I can't really match Owen and Logan anymore.. :) Oh well..
Friday, April 17, 2009
I do a lot of thinking in the bathroom
I really do.. and the really wierd thing about that is sometimes its funny and sometimes I get some great ideas. I usually only get my great ideas in the shower, my funny moments are when I'm cleaning the bathroom. So tonight I decided to get a jump start on my cleaning. Ryan was over at Adam and Kristina's house and the boys were in bed. I knew I had a lot ahead of me (cleaning the bathroom) because Owen is in this stage where he needs to pay more attention to what is really going on. Now I grew up with three brothers.. This is not new territory for me. However, I do not know how to talk to Owen about "getting a grip" on things.. If ya know what I mean.. :) Anyways, here I am scrubing the floor behind the toilet!! First thinking about my mom having to do this many times and then remembering that we had carpet (GROSS!). Then for some reason I start thinking about Facebook and how I became a fan of God and Jesus (two people (Linda will get that one)) and I thought "Did Mary have to put up with this kind of stuff"?? Was Mary scrubbing behind the toilet. Oh I fully believe she was.. But then that got me thinking about Mary putting out a book on raising Jesus. I just started laughing at myself. I'm scrubbing pee off my bathroom floor and thinking about Mary writing a book about Jesus growing up. Did she come across some of the same things EVERY mother talks about. Oh I believe she did.. But wouldn't that be a great book to read!! Anyways.. just a random thought I wanted to post, because I thought it was so funny.
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